Darling White

Its been an ages since the last updated of my blog and I’m officially one of high-school student.
As I can say, im not really enjoying my high-school life but so far im dealing with it , I’ve always been trying to be a strong girl and would never let negative thinks jumped in to my mind, but this time, all things are different. There’s so many people, so many thoughts, and I really want to be perfect among those people. And don’t get me started on how I feel about myself lately. Got my self  drowning in pain and stuff. One thing I realized was, there’s no way to be perfect. People will always talk bad stuff about you no matter what you do even just being your best self. They come and go in your life, they left scars in your heart, they come and bring such good memories then left you like you were nothing. It feels pretty much such a gigantic pain in the ass. One thing for sure, always do good to others, don’t let yourself regret later for what’ve you done now. 

Elisea Benedicta


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